Hi everyone!
It's been a while since I wrote on my blog. I guess things have been busy in my "real" life. I'm in a relationship now, (6 months!), my best friend just had a baby, and general work life has been keeping me busy. I'd love more time to write and promote my work but as my mam always said, beggars can't be choosers.
The Synergy Series is all done and dusted and 'Phenomenon', my sci-fi book, is coming along okay. I haven't dedicated much time to it recently but I'm 25 chapters in. I've given what I've written so far to my sister on a kindle copy and she's been busy reading and sending me feedback. I am slightly worried that she's going to go full Annie Wilkes on me, strapping me to a bed and forcing me to rewrite, though. The last scene she read didn't particularly go down well!
Tonight, I paid an editor to take a look at 'Dorm Room', the New Adult Novella I've been sitting on for a while. I love the premise of the story but I'm aware it may need a good pulling apart, and I'm fine with that. It's the part I hate the most about writing but it's gotta be done.
I'll leave it there for now but it's good to be blogging again!
- Georgia