Wednesday 30 September 2015


Wattpad is great because it allows you to add quirkly little extras to your book. You can add videos or pictures to each individual chapter. I like to add a song that fits the chapter usually, but a lot of people do trailers for their Wattpad books. I've now got one for three of mine. They're not the greatest but it's just a bit of fun, afterall.

'Synergy' Part 1

'Synergy' Part 2

'Dorm Room'

Saturday 19 September 2015

BOOK REVIEW: The Sleep: Part I: The Fan & The Things That Hit It by Rose Catherine

You know when you come across a book and you wonder why it hasn't been published yet? This is totally one of them. The author has such a natural way with words. It's so effortless, and I believe everything that happens.

Evie, the main character, is just a normal teenage girl who is at school one day when everybody 16 and over falls asleep, out of the blue. It's some sort of epidemic worldwide, and nobody has a clue why it's happened. Evie is now responsible for her younger brother, and sets off to rescue her parents from wherever they've fallen asleep.

The story itself is really thought provoking. What would happen in a world where there are no adults? How would everybody cope? What would disappear first? The things we take for granted like the internet and phone lines slowly start to cut out, and the world becomes desperate.

So much happens in this first book and it's hard to believe it all takes place over the space of a week. With a rescued kid under her wing, an annoying class mate, and two new dogs, she has a lot to contend with. I loved reading this book, and now that I've seen there's a part 2, I'm going to be reading that one next. It's on amazon at just 99p, so it's an absolute bargain. I'd tell everybody to read it.

Thursday 10 September 2015

BOOK REVIEW: The Ghost Files by Apryl Baker

Apryl Baker was an author I found via Wattpad originally. Her book 'The Ghost Files' was intriguing to me because I love a good creepy book centered around ghosts, and I wasn't disappointed. The book didn't hang around, throwing you straight into Mattie Hathaway's gift of seeing the dead, though at first, she ignores the people who seek her help. She just wants to be like any other teenager out there, but then her foster sister goes missing, and she sees her ghost.

Mattie is a tough, guarded foster kid who projects anger like nobody's business. She doesn't trust easily, but when a young police officer by the name of Dan comes into her life, she lets him into her secret. It's the only chance she has of saving her foster sister.

Mattie eventually finds herself kidnapped by the same person who took her foster sister. Tortured and on the brink of death, she may need to trust her spiritual gift if she has any chance of surviving.

The Ghost Files already has 3 books, and a 4th is in the plan. The first book has even been accepted by a film company, so we could be seeing the characters come to life on the big screen before long. It's a must read, and you can even download the first one for free on kindle.

Friday 4 September 2015

Part 3

Part 3 of Synergy is going pretty well. So far I've written 9 chapters in a row, and about another 4 out of order. I just have some to fit in between the first nine and the later four, and then the end. I keep meaning to sit down and organise my thoughts. A couple of nights ago I planned to sit with my highlighters and make sure I had all my chapter ideas down, and make sure I haven't left anything out. There's so much I keep thinking about and I tell myself "do not forget to mention this."

Sometimes I wish I was more organised, but the simple truth is, I'm not, and I probably never will be. That's just me, and that's just how I work. Honestly, sometimes I believe it's best to go with wherever your creativity takes you, and write from the heart, instead of worrying about your plan. Sometimes the best twists and turns in your book come from spontaneity I believe.

Real life is taking over a little bit at the moment as I have a job interview to prepare for in a few days so my day off won't be able to be all about writing unfortunately. Still, there's no rush. I'm still trying to get the first book off the ground.