
I've decided to start accepting book review requests. However, please read below before emailing me.

1. Please do not send any erotic, historical, fantasy or science fiction books my way. I don't enjoy these genres, sorry.

2. Please send an email with 'Book Review Request' in the subject. Please just send me a link to the book somewhere and a blurb, that will do for now.

2. Please don't be offended if I don't reply. I work full time so unless I request for you to send your book, I'm probably not interested at this time, sorry. 

3. If I ask for you to send your book, that means I'm interested, but it isn't a guarantee that I will read and review. I may find I don't like the book as I start reading so wouldn't want to promise anything. I don't enjoy continuing books that I'm not enjoying. 

4. I will be honest with my reviews which means I might not always like everything about them. Don't expect all 5 star reviews.

5. If I read your book till the end, I promise to review it at Amazon, Goodreads and on this blog. I will also promote this post on social media. I can also post it somewhere else if requested.

6. I work full time so may not be quick finishing a book, so if you need it reviewing quickly, I might not be the best person.

With all that said, I look forward to reading your requests. You can email me at :

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